Black Policy Conference Digital Strategy

I plan on creating a digital strategy for the 2014 Black Policy Conference here at HKS.

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I’m already serving as Vice Chair for Marketing and Outreach, so this strategy document will fit into my responsibilities with that position.  Without further ado, here is a rough preliminary outline of what the document will consist of:

P – People

The audience is anybody who would potentially benefit from attending this conference. That includes all past attendees and the broader Harvard black alumni network.  It also includes current and future policy students who will work on policies affecting the black community in any way. And finally, it includes all practitioners working in this space. The conference seeks to be the authoritative forum for discussing relevant and timely policy issues facing the black community, so the audience should be relatively broad to incorporate all of the diverse voices.

O – Objectives

The main objective will be to drive traffic to the conference. Therefore, the measurement is pretty straightforward. I’ll track weekly registration numbers.

S – Strategy 

The strategy is two parts. The first part is email management.  We already have a pretty large email database, so I’ll have one strategy for email.  The second part will be social media engagement. We have a Facebook and a Twitter account, but my goal will be to better integrate the content among all 3 platforms + the actual website.

T – Technology

The technology is a WordPress website, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and Mail Chimp.

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